By Road

The quickest route to Kibale National Park from Kampala city is through the Kampala-Fort Portal highway. The park can be reached over a fully-tarmacked road for a distance of 326 kilometers (approximately 6 hours). For tourists overnighting in Fort portal city, the park is only an hour’s drive away.

There is also the alternative but longer option of going through Mbarara city with an optional stopover at Lake Mburo and Queen Elizabeth National Park.


By Air

Whereas there aren’t any direct flights into the park, tourists can either schedule or charter flights from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip to Kasese Airstrip through one of the domestic carriers. The flight lasts about 1 hour. From here tourists will transfer by road for about 2 hours to the park headquarters. There is also the option of chartered flights to Fort Portal for 1 hour and 30 minutes.